Join me in my journey as I document the best craft beer of 2021 . . . or at least of the beer I get to drink.
While I’d love to try every beer made, that’s just not possible. But I do get to try lots of different beers from lots of different places. After each month, this page will be updated with a handful of the best beers I drank that past month. They will be organized in a simple slideshow showing off the picture I took of it. I’ll also add in some honorable mentions because there are too many great beers out there.
I’ve been tracking my favorite beers for a few years and it is easily my favorite thing to do. It is worth noting that I tend to only list a beer if it is the first time I had it. Other than that, I simply put my favorites on this list and then get back to trying more great beer.
To keep up with what I’m drinking throughout the month, connect with me on social media (Instagram, Twitter, Untappd). And once we are connected, tag me when posting about the best craft beer you’re enjoying.
Want to see more of the amazing beers I’ve enjoyed?
Check out the best craft beer of 2020 and 2019!

January is deep in stout season and while I enjoyed plenty of stouts, it was actually barrel-aged beers that stole the show!
Links: Tart Cherry Farmhouse Ale, Pinot Noir Barrel-Aged Belgian-Style Golden Ale, Chocolate Orange Laterlus, Bourbon Barrel-Aged Orange Giant, From Nova Scotia With Love, The Bock Hog, Holiday Munchies
Honorable Mentions: Brink Knob Creek Barrel-aged Kelly’s Candy, Lupulin Black Lager, Sonder Birthday Cake Frosted, Streetside S’Mores Demogorgon, Third Eye Cosmic Clash, Temperance Root Down, Temperance Splash of Red, Temperance The Brume, West Side Barleywine 2021
In most of the country, it was cold. In Cincinnati, we were buried under snow more most of the month which means snow shoveling became my favorite hobby but I still found time to try some amazing craft beer.
Links: Ecliptic Barrel-Aged Oort, Perrin Roeselare 2020, Rogue 2021 Rolling Thunder, Temperance Might Meets Right 2020, Troegs Joyous IPA, West Side Barrel-aged Imperial Stout, Wild Leap Truck Chaser – Creamsicle Double IPA
Honorable Mentions: Ecliptic Oort Imperial Stout – Linzer Torte, Harpoon Mike Pastry Barrel Aged Cannoli Stout, Oskar Blues Death by King Cake, Perrin Reserve 2020, Rogue Double Chocolate Stout, Temperance Might Meets Right La Sopresa, Untitled Art Chocolate Banana Imperial Stout, Wooden Cask Maple Corruption
It only took a hint of warmer weather for me to quickly start diving into craft beer made for summer. Lots of great IPAs made my list this month but I can almost always guarantee a barrel-aged beer and/or a sour will also make the list.
Links: Ecliptic Cold IPA, Ecliptic Vega IPA #10, Perrin Grapefruit IPA, Streetside Tiramisu Demogorgon, Victory Brotherly Love IPA, Wild Leap LMN ADE
Honorable Mentions: Brink Kelly’s Candy No Water, Deep Ellum Cadilac Bandito, Moerlein Bronzer, Perrin 59-10, Perrin Double Pay IPA, Sam Adams Just the Haze, Temperance Might Meets Right Bramble
This may be my monthly list with the most variety ever: session & high ABV, hoppy & malty, fruited & barrel-aged. And even among the barrel-aged beers I have a coconut rum barrel-aged ale. Variety is what makes craft beer amazing and April was a great month for beer.
Links: Ecliptic Blackberry Meyer Lemon Ale, Founders All Day Vacay, Lupulin DDH Straight Hash Homie, Oskar Blues BA21 Vol 5, Sam Adams Blackbeard’s Vacation, Troegs Troegenator Doublebock, Wild Leap Too Pure To Be Pink
Honorable Mentions: Duclaw The PastryArchy Oatmeal Cream Pie, Fibonacci BA Polar Vortex, Founders Panther Cub, Harpoon Big League, Hoof Hearted Did we just become best buddy buddy?, Sam Adams Wicked Hazy, Sonder Blanc, Sonder Mocha Latte Frosted, Shofferhofer Passion Fruit, Troegs Field Study IPA
Despite being relatively cold this month, my drinking shifted towards lighter “summer” styles. I still had my fair share of dark, heavy beers but lighter/lower ABV beers are creeping into my rotation. This leads me to believe it will be a great summer full of relaxing with friends with a beer in hand.
Links: MadTree Phantom Forest, March First Heller Bock, Streetside Double Dare, Third Eye Summer Grove, Wooden Cask Great Scot!
Honorable Mentions: Bearded Iris Wavelength, Bourbon County Brand Special #4 Stout, Hoof Hearted If You Can’t Be Good, Be Bald, Listermann Ohh A Piece Of Candy, Sam Adams Wicked Easy, Streetside Beachside, Streetside Plague Doctor
This past month started to feel more “normal” than it has for over a year. Being around more people and going more places means trying more new beer. June’s favorites are a great mix of styles and flavors. Enjoy!
Links: Ecliptic Cosmos Coconut & Vanilla Hazy IPA, Ecliptic Vega #11, Founder’s Skyshift, Streetside Cinnamon Whiskey Demogorgon, Taft’s Maverick
Honorable Mentions: Ecliptic Pyxis, Lupulin American Pils, Platform Sun Surfer, Third Eye Jelly Brain v1, Third Eye Kandy v2
What normally is a really hot month that is great for outdoor activities, July this year was really rainy. Which means there wasn’t a lot of opportunities for outdoor beer drinking but that didn’t stop me from getting my hands on some tasty beer. My picks this month reflect a lighter selection for summertime but I always sneak in some heavy hitters too.
Links: Cigar City Fancy Papers, Lupulin Vanilla Dreams, Sam Adams American Crafted , Schulz Brau Bourbon Barrel Aged Maibock, Three Weavers Cloud City
Honorable Mentions: Bell’s Tequila Barrel-Aged Flamingo Fruit Flight , Deep Ellum Maniac Confidence, Harpoon Team Mew-S-A, Heavy Seas World Famous, Roak Brewing French Toast Devil Dog, Sonder Nocturnal
It’s that time of year, Oktoberfest beers have begun to hit shelves and I haven’t wasted any time drinking them. I’ve only included one in this month’s list but this style was undoubtedly the most consumed style I had. Still lots of other amazing beers were enjoyed as the hottest days of summer are hopefully now past us.
Links: Deep Ellum Hop Seeker, Heavy Seas Snoball – Tiger’s Blood, Listermann The Blackberries Taste Like Blackberries, Lupulin Sticky Puddles, Sam Adams Oktoberfest, Southern Tier Nitro Smores
Honorable Mentions: Braxton Dark Charge Affogato (2020), Listermann Peep This , R Shea Twitchy On Pumpkin Spice, Coffee Beans, & Habanero, Sonder Illumanati Double Oaked Stout, Southern Tier Nitro Coconut Truffle
From fresh to aged for 6 years, this month had quite the variety. I’m continually impressed with the diversity, complexity, and range of flavor that is found in craft beer. And, of course, many of these were enjoyed with other craft beer fans . . . which always makes it taste even better.
Links: Ecliptic Altair Fresh Hop Pale Ale, Ecliptic Pineapple Gose, Lupulin Key Lime Hypezig, Rivertown Lambic (2015), Wooden Robot Good Morning Vietnam
Honorable Mentions: Ecliptic Cloud Core Hazy Pale Ale, Firestone Walker Stickee Monkee (2016), Heavy Seas Joose Cannon Mai Tai, Nine Giant Heavy Metal Drummer, Sonder Bruder, Taft’s UDF Milkshake IPA, Third Eye Magic Dream
This might be my most eclectic group of styles yet. A little bit of everything made this month quite tasty. Barrel-aged, milkshake IPAs, rye IPAs, regular IPAs, stouts, cocktail-inspired beers, and much more. But there is a common theme among all of these . . . big, bold flavors that prove beer can fit any situation and any mood.
Links: Deep Ellum IPA, Lupulin Campfire Munchies, Perrin Beer City Rye IPA, Rochester Mills Orange Whip, Sam Adams Brewjito, Wolf’s Ridge VIII: Anniversary Blend
Honorable Mentions: Fat Head’s Hop Juju, Rochester Mills Mango Kiss, Streetside Situation Normal, Troegs Master of Pumpkins, Wallenpaupack Dunkelweizen, Wallenpaupack Kettle Wrecker
This month I tried a few breweries for the first time; most notable Big Timber and New Image. Not only did I enjoy these immensely but they also made the Best Craft Beer 2021 list for November. As always, I kept the styles varied from dark to fruity to hoppy. I haven’t had many Christmas beers yet but I think December will remedy that.
Links: Big Timber Porter, Ecliptic Vega IPA #12, Lupulin Sticky Puddle – Triple Berry,
New Image Double Double – Citra, Sam Adams Chocolate Bocktopias
Honorable Mentions: Clown Shoes Advent Party Crasher, Clown Shoes Galacticake, Ecliptic Eighth Orbit, Eighty Eight Night Gallery, Harpoon Winter Warmer, Lupulin Hero Hazy IPA, New Image East Coast Transplant – Citra, Sam Adams Utopias 2021, West Side Red Rye IPA, West Side Schwarbier
What a way to end another great year in beer! I enjoyed some heavy hitters this month and many found their way onto the Best Craft Beer list. Gatherings with family & friends created many reasons to break out brews that are best shared. Sharing the best beer I have each month continues to be one of my favorite things to do; looking forward to 2022!
Links: Brink Bourbon Barrel Aged Moozie, Harpoon Imperial Harpoon IPA, New Image Red Light, Black Light, Sonder Bourbon Barrel Aged Otto, Streetside Socially Influenced, Troegs Mad Elf Grand Cru
Honorable Mentions: Bellwoods Jelly King, Braxton Dark Charge Coconut Cream Puff, Columbus Bodhi, Ecliptic Bourbon Barrel Aged Orange Giant, Ecliptic Io, Harpoon Big League, Lupulin Lateralus Chocolate Malt, New Image Cozy Vibes
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