0100Last week, you read about Why I Choose Craft Beer so naturally my next post should be why I don’t drink the “other” types of beer. You should go read last week’s post but more or less, I discussed why craft beer is what I choose to drink about 99.9% of the […]
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0000So I had a thought; what if I wrote a post at the end of every year sharing what I learned about craft beer? Recalling the past would be a great way to put things into perspective. Year after year, I would be able to see the what new things […]
0100If I had to guess, you probably found this craft beer blog via social media; Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. So you have some knowledge of who I am via those pages – especially Instagram where I have been posting the longest. Those images and captions tell a lot about the […]
0210I never knew starting a craft beer blog would be so hard. When was the last time you started something new? Did you plan and plan just to consider walking away? I hope not . . . But that is where I was; on the verge of starting this blog […]