1001 The year is coming to an end and while many will be looking back at the past year, I love to look forward. Considering everything that has happened in the past few years, I’ve come up with my list of Craft Beer Predictions 2019. It’s a short list of […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
1100 Over time, I’ve tried a wide variety of beer styles. And during that time, I’ve also been curious about how the brewing process impacts the final beer’s taste, aroma, and appearance. The term dry hopping is a term I’ve often heard and wanted to learn more about. And recently, […]
1200 As a craft beer fan, I want more people to drink beer from independent craft breweries. So I’ve come up with a “Drink This, Not That” kind of list to give you some options to replace what many have been drinking for years. These macro beer alternatives are just […]
1100November may be one of the most underrated months of the year. It seems to fall into the shadow of everything that December has to offer. But let’s not forget that November is typically when most of the country gets to enjoy nice, cool fall weather before the harsh winter […]
0100For the die hard enthusiast, craft beer isn’t just about the beer – it’s about everything that surrounds the beer. This includes finding rare beer, visiting taprooms, proper glassware, and so much more. All of this elevates the experience and draws us deeper into the hobby. When it comes to […]
1000Much like other cities, Cincinnati has been reaping the benefits of a booming craft beer scene. With over 50 breweries within a 30 minute drive of Cincinnati, there’s no shortage of reasons to check out a different brewery every week of the year. The Sam Adams Cincinnati Taproom is the latest to […]
0100There are few traditions that are as widely practiced as New Year’s resolutions. And while most fail to achieve their self-proclaimed goals, it does expose the most popular areas people want to improve. From weight loss to financial health, there are some common themes and one of those is consuming […]
0100While there are many amazing beer events, it’s often hard to find the time to attend most of them. But in October that wasn’t the case as I got the opportunity to be involved in quite a few beer events. And as you may have guessed, these events helped ensure […]
0100When I talk to craft beer fans, they are often surprised to learn a few things about me; I’ve never brewed beer, I am not a Cicerone or BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) Craft Beer Judge, and I look exactly like the logo on this website. The last one shouldn’t […]
4000We’d all like to think that our beer buying decisions are based strictly on taste, quality, and other noble factors. But just like most purchases, marketing has a huge role in how we spend our money. And when it comes to beer, hops are used to sell beer. Hops aren’t […]
0000Craft beer festivals have become a common occurrence. They happen most weekends in most cities across the nation. And many of them look and feel similar. Becoming commonplace isn’t a good thing as it can cause a decrease in interest from beer fans. Luckily, there are some creative people coming […]
1100September is a great month; mainly because my birthday is at the end of the month. It is also when fall really starts to come into view and Cincinnati was lucky enough to have a handful of days when the temperature dropped. Nice weather and my birthday guaranteed that my […]