1300Pumpkin beer is still quite popular despite sales trailing off over the past few years. And every time I post about them, some one comments and lets me know that they think “pumpkin beer sucks”. For me, pumpkin beer fits perfectly with the season but I get it. Some pumpkin […]
More Articles About: Craft Beer Styles
1000The evolution of beer in the modern world is amazing. Historically, Rhineheitsgobot restricted what beer could be. Then prohibition eliminated competition and led the way for the macro lager phase. It wasn’t until recently that true innovation with beer has been widespread. One of the most recent innovations is the […]
0100Sour beers continue to increase in popularity and availability. You will find very few breweries that don’t offer some kind of sour beer. Tin Man Brewing Damascene is one that I recently tried and wanted to share my thoughts on it. If you aren’t a sour beer fan, please continue […]
5101It was just over a year ago that I purchased Ojos Negros from Rivertown Brewery and Barrel House. It was a desire of mine to try more sour beers and Ojos Negros was going to be my next attempt to like this style. There were quite a few people telling me […]
1300In Cincinnati, we know that fall has arrived when Oktoberfest festival season arrives. I say season because there is a series of festivals here that celebrate our German heritage. And as you can guess there is a ton of Oktoberfest beer consumed at these events. But what is Oktoberfest? And […]
1210The hot days of summer will turn into the cool temperatures of fall soon enough. But before you jump into drinking pumpkin and Oktoberfest beer, take some time to enjoy craft beer that pairs well with the heat. Watermelon craft beers are ideal for the hot days of summer. And if […]
0100There are so many different styles of craft beer and honestly, I love most of them. Fruit beer is the style that originally got me interested in craft beer – I’m looking at you Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. There was something about the cherry that helped me enjoy that beer […]
4200I love hops. It’s a topic that some may think is over played but I consider it one of the most important factors driving modern craft beer. There are so many different varieties and more being created all of the time allowing us to explore new flavors. Outside of new […]
3101 It’s that time of year, the long, hot days of summer are making many of us think ahead to fall. And as true Americans, we can’t have fall without pumpkin. This flavor has taken over everything from coffee to candles and desserts to beer. Even if you aren’t a […]
0300Getting the latest craft beer from local breweries is always high on my list of things to do. So when there is a collaboration between two local breweries, you better believe that I intend to try it. Which leads us to earlier this month when Listermann Brewing and Warped Wing […]
0300I don’t know what is more intimidating, the initial taste of a sour beer or trying to pronounce what is in it. Lactobacillus, pediococcus and brettanomyces are not the most friendly of terms. However, answering the question; “What is a sour beer” helps us understand these beers better and appreciate the vocabulary […]
2001Pushing the limits of what beer can be is a crucial piece of the craft beer movement. If every beer was a simple recreation of traditional beer, I don’t think craft beer would be nearly as appealing for most of us. Finding new flavor combinations is a lot of fun. […]