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Best Beers to Pair with Lobster

Craft beer can be enjoyed in many ways. Much like wine connoisseurs enjoy combining drinks with meals, beer connoisseurs can do the same with their favorite beer. While various wines can be paired with endless meals, beer often does not have similar food pairings. That’s why we’ve created this list of best beers to pair with lobster.

5 Of The Best Beers To Pair With Lobster

Frye’s Leap IPA

Some of the best beer with lobster might be a surprising choice. IPAs are known for their aggressive flavor and heavy hoppiness. This might make them seem like an odd choice to pair with the more delicate flavors of seafood. Frye’s Leap IPA from Sebago Brewing Company in southern Maine makes for a perfect choice for IPA lovers. The golden color comes from its unique American caramel malt with intense dry-hopped aromas of pine and grapefruit. These flavors are mellowed out by the buttery goodness of lobster. Providing a perfect counterpart to the heavier notes of the beer, smoothing out the flavor. A swig of IPA, a mouthful of lobster, rinse, and repeat.

However, if IPAs aren’t your thing, fret not because there are plenty of other great craft beers that can be paired with a delicious lobster dinner.

Allagash Brewing Company: White

Allagash Brewing Company: White is a wheat beer from Portland, Maine, home of the lobster roll. Unsurprisingly, the beer makes for a great match with freshly caught lobster. Wheat beers also offer a perfect complement to a buttery lobster dish. The telltale flavors and aromas of wheat beer provide a zesty and citrusy punch to the palette, which is soothed out with bites of boiled or steamed lobster smothered in butter. Wheat beers also work as a perfect accompaniment to buttery lobster rolls.

Since wheat beers already have a robust citrusy flavor, consider taking a sip of your beer before you decide whether to squeeze lemon juice over your lobster. The combination of the two can get a little overpowering for some.

Bissel Brother’s Group Therapy

Our top pick from Bissel Brother’s Brewing of Portland, Maine, is Group Therapy. Group Therapy just about nudges ahead of the rest because it is a Saison, a type of Belgian beer that pairs well with lobster. Saisons are also known as farmhouse ales and go particularly well with comfort foods, such as lobster mac and cheese. Group Therapy is a blend of beers aged in oak barrels that proves that several beers coming together can be better than a single beer standing alone. Sip this while enjoying your lobster mac and cheese to bring out the best in both.

Wylam Jakehead IPA

This IPA from Newcastle, UK, has a beautiful amber/bronze color and a bright citrus taste. Sipping on the beer, the predominant flavor is that of pineapple, mixed with mango, grapefruit, and orange. It is a very juicy beer with wonderful fruity tones that result in a very drinkable IPA.

The aroma of the hops comes through loud and clear. And the taste is just as satisfying, with a depth of hop complexity that makes this beer an excellent choice to pair with lobster. The succulence of lobster with freshly squeezed lemon generously applied to play well on the palate with the bright and refreshing taste of Jakehead. It is a craft beer for a sunny summer afternoon where one drink can quickly turn into three or four.

Learn More About IPAs

Firestone Walker Pivo Pils

Pivo by Firestone Walker Brewing Company is a hoppy pilsner with a crisp, clean lager flavor and herbal and floral notes that pair well with lobster. It’s a dry-hopped pilsner with a bready malt aroma and pale golden color with a dry finish. It’s a delicious beer to drink by itself, but the floral and herbal notes lend it well to pairing with seasoned lobster. The light, clean flavors work well with lobster cooked with herbs such as dill, parsley, and lemongrass.

Pivo is a very drinkable beer that mimics some of the best European pilsners. Named after the Czech word for beer and inspired by the dry-hopped Tipopils from Birrificio Italiano, this is a truly international beer that easily earns itself a place on our list.


Whether you like your lobster steamed, boiled, in a roll, or served whole, it’s a delicious meal that deserves a good craft beer pairing. Our list is by no means exhaustive, but hopefully, you’ll have found a drink for you in this article that tickles your fancy. Summer is the perfect time for a good beer and a good meal while enjoying the sunshine. Make the most of it and indulge in some of the best beers to pair with lobster.

This list was compiled in collaboration with

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