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Music And Beer Collaborating In Cincinnati

Music And Beer

There are a lot of things that go well with beer- food, sports, etc. But how about music? It may not be something that comes to mind instantly but the connection is strong. Think back to your favorite concert; there was probably beer there. And many breweries often feature live music to help entertain their customers. Music and beer are a perfect fit because they are both forms of art.

To celebrate this natural pairing, a Cincinnati company is bringing music and beer together at events that are really unique. It is called the Cincinnati Brewers Series and the third event in this series is quickly approaching.

Check out the end of this article to get the full details of the upcoming event.

What Is The Cincinnati Brewers Series

The CBS is a partnership between Soul Step Records and local music artists, and local breweries.  It is all about celebrating the best of what Cincinnati has to offer.

Melvin Dilllon of Soul Step Records created this series because he knew that he wanted a new unique way to highlight local artists. So he took a step back and thought about what he loved about Cincinnati; his answer was music and beer.

Music is art. Beer is art. So it was a natural fit because both have passion at their core. It’s why a great beer tastes better with great music and great music sounds better when enjoying a great beer.

These events are a ton of fun. Attendees get a free concert from the music artist. They also use this event to promote the release of a vinyl record. More on the vinyl record part later. And the brewery typically has a special beer on tap. Sounds like a great time to me; who doesn’t love live music and beer?

In the past, Soul Step Records has partnered with MadTree Brewing and Listermann Brewing. Melvin has deep connections with both of these locations. Specifically, Listermann is the brewery that helped show him that there was better beer than Miller High Life. This was six years ago and he is now a huge craft beer fan because of them.

More About Soul Step Records

Soul Step Records is all about supporting independent artists. Melvin was once a musician himself and understands the struggle of reaching new fans. He wishes that he would have been able to afford to release his own vinyl records but the cost and process were out of reach.
That is where Soul Step Records is there to help.  They cover the upfront costs and then splits the profits 50/50 with the artists. This is unheard of in the music industry. Soul Step Records operates as a non-profit so they push all profits forward to help out the next artist they discover. So they are never out searching to make money; they are out searching for artists that need help getting their music out to the people.

Music And Beer: Young Heirlooms & Braxton Brewing

The next Cincinnati Brewers Series event will be with the Young Heirlooms and Braxton Brewing.

This was a perfect fit as both wanted to work with the others. And the Braxton taproom has featured live music on countless occasions and it works really well. Here are the details:

Date: Saturday, August 5, 2017

Time: 8 PM – 10 PM

Where: Braxton Brewing – 27 W 7th St. Covington, KY 41011

What To Expect:

A free concert by the Young Heirlooms

The release of a limited edition 7″ vinyl single

A new infusion of one of Braxton’s flagship beers

Special pint glass with purchase of the infused beer or the Young Heirlooms single

What to know more? Check out the Facebook Event Page

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What To Expect In The Future

More music and beer. That’s what these events are all about. However, they are really intentional in choosing the artist and brewery that they work with. Their intention is to do events at every brewery in the Cincinnati area so keep an eye open for more great music and beer brought to you by Soul Step Records and the Cincinnati Brewers Series.

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