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Craft Beer Spotlight: Victory Golden Monkey

Victory Golden Monkey

Golden Monkey By Victory Brewing

There are so many different styles of beer that it’s really intimidating to learn about all of them. However, one style that has great history and a unique yeast flavor are Belgian style beers. Golden Monkey is an example of a Belgian-Style Tripel and is a great place to start for those looking to get into this style.

Let’s learn more about what this beer has to offer.

Review Of Victory Brewing Golden Monkey

Belgian style ales are one of the best platforms for yeast to really show off. These beers will have strong spice, fruit, and alcohol flavors compared to other styles of beer.

For some, this is welcomed and appreciate while others are overwhelmed by the Belgian yeast.

It took me a little time but I truly enjoy the big, bold flavor of a beer with Belgian yeast. My only complaint is many will have a very “filling” or bloating effect.

Victory Brewing makes a wide range of beer styles which is the norm for an American brewery of their size. And they don’t shy away from the classics like the Belgian styles.

Golden Monkey is a Belgian-style Tripel with an ABV of 9.5% and IBUs of 25.

It can be found year round in 12oz bottles, 12oz cans, 750ml corked and caged bottles as well as on draft.

Here is how Victory Brewing describes their Belgian Tripel:

Experience the sweet, sensual aromas and flavors of our famous Belgian-style tripel. Immerse yourself in rich notes of fruit and spice and savor its dry finish.

Initial Thoughts

I really like Belgian style ales, yet I don’t drink them nearly enough. One reason for this is the fact that I find them very “filling”. But that doesn’t take away from my desire to learn more about them.

So when I decided to drink Golden Monkey, I had a feeling that I’d love the flavor but would only want one of them that evening.

This Belgian style pours a nice golden, straw color with great clarity. The white head isn’t dense and disappears shortly after pouring.

The aroma is full of the the fuity, spicy scents from the Belgian yeast.

Tasting Notes

Victory Brewery does a great job describing this beer on their website but before you check out what they have to say; taste it for yourself and then compare notes.

The fruit yeast flavor is the dominating flavor throughout. They claim that you’ll get banana and clover but I only tasted the clove. If the banana flavor is in there then it’s subtle.

I did get a nice consistent sweetness throughout. It’s a natural kind of sweetness rather than a sugary one.

It finishes with a boozy dryness that will make you want to go back for more and more.

Final Thoughts

What I like the most about Golden Monkey is it is not as “filling” as other Belgian style beers that I’ve had.

This is really appreciated as I could see having a few of these over a long dinner without regretting it later. However, I don’t now if you’d have room for dessert afterwards.

The mix of fruity, earthy, and spiced flavors make this a great option. And it’s a style that transcends seasons. The flavor is refreshing enough for summer while the high ABV is warming for the winter.

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The yeast characteristic of a Belgian beer is just as recognizable as it is intriguing. For many they find it to be a little too strong at first but most come to love it.

While many beer styles will put an emphasis on the malts and hops; Belgian beers are one of the few that are dominated by the yeast component.

It’s a great style to try when understanding how yeast impacts the overall taste of a beer. While the malts and hops have their part in a beer like this, they are in the background adding support to the big yeast flavors.

Golden Monkey is a great place to start if you are interested in this style. It has the great Belgian yeast flavor without being over powering.

Have You Tried Golden Monkey From Victory Brewing?

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