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Why I Choose Craft Beer

Are you like me and choose to drink craft beer?

My guess is you do or you probably wouldn’t be reading this . . .

But why do you choose to drink craft beer? Do you drink “non-craft beer”?

For me, 99.9% of the time, I drink craft beer. In fact, there are times that I decide not to drink beer because there are no craft beer options.

So why craft beer?

Craft beer is one of my main interests after my faith and family. In a previous post, (My Craft Beer Story) I talked about what got my started in craft beer but that was just the start. There are many reasons that craft beer has become such a passion for me but I think they can be summarized by a few factors.

 Ok, so first off; for the sake of this post let’s consider craft beer anything outside of the standard domestic/import beers (Bud, Miller, Coors, Heineken, etc). There are plenty of articles that debate what craft is or is not but this is not that article. I will post articles that will try to define “craft beer” but we will save that debate for a different day.


Trying Something New

This is where my hobby becomes a little bit of an obsession. I love trying new craft beers. The only thing better than craft beer is a craft beer that I haven’t tried yet.

When I go to my local bottle shop; I prefer buying single bottles or cans instead of an entire six pack. The create-your-own six pack was made for me.

When visiting a brewery or beer bar; I always get a flight. It is the best way to try new beers. A taster glass is typically enough to determine if I like it and it allows me to break out of my comfort zone with new styles.

The fact is I can try something new every day (maybe every hour) and never run out of new options. There is constantly a new release or trendy style for me to track down. It is exciting to be involved in an industry that has the ability to continually create new products for their customers.  The unique flavors give me something to think and talk about.

Variety is definitely one of the reasons I enjoy craft beer so much.

Buy Local

I am from Cincinnati, Ohio and I love that we have such a rich and diverse group of breweries in the area. They range from large to nano. Each one brings their own uniqueness to our community. I would not gladly visit any of them over and over again. Supporting local brands is important and buying locally brewed beer is my favorite way to support Cincinnati’s economy.

Buying local isn’t limited to my hometown so when I get to travel outside of Cincinnati, I continue to buy local. It is always fun to learn which breweries and beer styles are popular in other parts of the country.

Now don’t get me wrong, I will gladly drink beer from other places. I am not going to limit myself to what is brewed locally. There are too many great beers to ignore out of market options but my first choice is local.


The remarkable people that make up the craft beer community transformed me from being a craft beer fan to an enthusiast.

Most breweries look at each other as friends and collaborators rather than competitors. Yeah, I know at the end of the day they are all selling the same products but this industry values helping each other. Their willingness to work together and develop strong relationships has created a stronger community.


Craft beer fans are some of the nicest people that I have met. They love sharing their knowledge and their beer! On multiple occasions, other enthusiasts have offered to send beer to me with no expectations of anything in return. They didn’t have to do that but they do it because they believe in the goodwill that it creates. True craft beer enthusiasts want to help spread great beer and positively shape the community.

The craft beer community embraces everyone. There is no “standard” craft beer fan. From young to old, male and female and every race; there are beer fans of every kind. Some will say that craft beer is still a very “white male” industry and in some ways that is accurate. But the industry is changing and more inclusive than ever. (Read more here) Furthermore, breweries love their local neighborhood and are often involved in local events as a means to give back to those that support them. To help embrace families, many taprooms are kid and pet friendly (at least during afternoon hours).



I choose to drink craft beer and I will continue to choose it over and over again. Craft beer just tastes better to me. But it is more than just the taste.

Hunting for the latest craft beer craze adds excitement.

Supporting the local economy helps everyone grow.

Meeting other craft beer fans makes me a part of something bigger.


All of this makes every beer an experience, a conversation, and a way to connect.

So, why do you choose craft beer?


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