0100When I talk to craft beer fans, they are often surprised to learn a few things about me; I’ve never brewed beer, I am not a Cicerone or BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) Craft Beer Judge, and I look exactly like the logo on this website. The last one shouldn’t […]
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0001There are more craft beer options than ever before and I don’t see that changing any time soon. So it can be a confusing world without a way to navigate. While I provide a lot of information on my site as well as fun talking points, I wanted to give […]
3203 Recently, a friend asked me the difference between a pale ale and an IPA. My response was, “the IPA is hoppier“. He accepted the answer and we moved on. But it made me think; Pale Ale Vs IPA: Is there really a difference? So I took to the interwebs […]
3510New England IPA An Official Style Back on March 30th, I published an article about the New England IPA where I questioned whether it should be its own style. I took the stance that it was its own style; read all about it here. Just a few weeks later, Beer […]