0201 After years of thinking about what craft beer is or isn’t; it seems fitting to start the year out with a new craft beer definition. If you’re a craft beer fan then you probably routinely ask yourself, what is craft beer? While it should be a simple answer, the […]
More Articles About: Craft Beer
0100What is craft beer? There are hundreds of articles that attempt to define what is craft beer – or “what craft beer isn’t”. And I have read dozens of them but still struggle to understand my own craft beer definition. Does it have to be from a small brewery […]
0100What is craft beer? Defining the term craft beer isn’t easy and it seems like everyone has a different opinion. So when I decided to formulate my own opinion, I quickly realized that starting with understanding the history and other’s definitions would be a good place to begin. The words we use […]
0100Last week, you read about Why I Choose Craft Beer so naturally my next post should be why I don’t drink the “other” types of beer. You should go read last week’s post but more or less, I discussed why craft beer is what I choose to drink about 99.9% of the […]
1200Are you like me and choose to drink craft beer? My guess is you do or you probably wouldn’t be reading this . . . But why do you choose to drink craft beer? Do you drink “non-craft beer”? For me, 99.9% of the time, I drink craft beer. In […]
11002017 is here! It is time to look into the crystal ball and see the craft beer predictions 2017. But first, I have to comment on 2016. I already posted about what I learned about craft beer in 2016 but there was a lot of news too. Fellow blogger, Rick […]
0000So I had a thought; what if I wrote a post at the end of every year sharing what I learned about craft beer? Recalling the past would be a great way to put things into perspective. Year after year, I would be able to see the what new things […]
0200Most people I know love the winter Holiday season: Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, etc. So why not try spreading Holiday cheer with beer? What could be better than a series of holidays that have great meaning, great food and gifts??? It is only natural to want to give gifts and think […]
0100If I had to guess, you probably found this craft beer blog via social media; Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. So you have some knowledge of who I am via those pages – especially Instagram where I have been posting the longest. Those images and captions tell a lot about the […]
0210I never knew starting a craft beer blog would be so hard. When was the last time you started something new? Did you plan and plan just to consider walking away? I hope not . . . But that is where I was; on the verge of starting this blog […]