1200Another year is coming to an end. While it is bittersweet to look back at the past year, it can be a lot of fun to look forward at the coming year. So just like I did last year, I’m going to make some Craft Beer Predictions for 2018. Let’s […]
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0100Does life keep getting busier or is it just me? Seems like every time I look up, it’s time to make my list of the best craft beer for the prior month. October was a month full of school and sports activities for my kids while every day seemed to […]
0310Trick-Or-Treat For Halloween Themed Beers Drinking to theme can be a lot of fun. And from what I’ve found, there are a lot of Halloween themed beers to choose from so enjoying a spooky brew on Halloween should be easy. It might seem a little silly but we all drink […]
1300Pumpkin beer is still quite popular despite sales trailing off over the past few years. And every time I post about them, some one comments and lets me know that they think “pumpkin beer sucks”. For me, pumpkin beer fits perfectly with the season but I get it. Some pumpkin […]
0200 The Best Craft Beer – July 2017 Another month, another list of amazing beers to pick from for my list of Best Craft Beer. July is typically a hot month that is full of family activities. While we have had some extremely hot days; overall it hasn’t been too […]